
braids was conceived by Ire when they were a part of beuys bois - a queer artist collective based in The Hague (NL). they now run it independently from an intersection of places.


conceived as an archival project, braids journal roams the (potentially) underground with precision and sensitivity in order to find practices that pick the current world apart.

the first edition of the journal was released in January 2023. the project received funding from Stroom Den Haag and assumed its printable form through sensitive attention of Gabriela Galeano Batres, Kexin Hao and Ire. the content of the journal was collected through an Open Call which targeted predominantly The Hague-based, queer artists, alongside pieces by contributors who were asked directly by beuys bois. each contributor received a fee of 100 euros for their work.

braids ed. I was printed in Warsaw and distributed to Stroom (The Hague), Page Not Found (The Hague), rile* (Brussels), good press (Glasgow) and ziemniaki i (Warsaw). copies can also be purchased online. if you're interested in a copy, head to our: shop

plans for edition 2 are rolling; scheduled release is sometime in 2024. for questions / submissions, feel invited to send us an email.


with its inception in the communal space of Unbraiding - a research group, readclub is a play on the traditional book club. it aims to gather readers around texts that spill out of the book format and serve text rather than require pre-reading. readclub is interested in practices of collective listening and out-loud reading.

in 2023 readclub is co-hosted by Maddie and Ire on braids Discord - we meet every two weeks to live-read and chat.

minor braid

minor braid exists as google sheets and are.na channel

thought of as an online sketch of social materialism, minor braid is really an expanded reference list powered by the excitement for humans doing and speaking courageously - an ode to references.

it aims to give you the comfort of feeling like you're not alone, in all its impossibility. it aims to be the sensation you get when reading something you've thought about before. it aims to become a network, maybe, i guess, let's see how it goes.

new positions are added regularly.

if you have any suggestions, we'd be more than happy to receive a message (Discord/email) and consider your recommendation.

general note

braids is by heart a collective endavour. if you resonate with the idea of solidarity around vulnerability, please consider saying hello via message / email / discord - it always helps to know you're there.


+48 605 350 445